Chrabeli are delicious Swiss anise crescent cookies. Beware if you're looking for a quick recipe--these must rest for several weeks before they are ready...
A hearty vegan main dish for carnivores and herbivores alike (and everyone between). Great topped with guacamole or avocados, hot sauce, sour cream, cheese,...
These enchiladas are a great twist to a banana bread recipe. They're fun for a party, especially if it's Mexican themed! Sprinkle with powdered sugar for...
Duqqa or dukkah is an Egyptian blend of nuts, seeds, and spices and enjoyed as a starter or snack to dip with bread or fresh veggies. It's so deliciously...
My mother asked me to make this recipe for her and I was surprised at how good it was. My neighbor smelled it and asked what I was making, and loved it...
I grew up in Oklahoma City eating soft cheese tacos at Ninos Mexican Restaurant. I've spent years searching the internet for this recipe, and at 62 years...
After finding out how easy it is to grow different types of peppers in my backyard, I wanted to incorporate them into a dish. This is what I ended up with:...
This is a delightful dish combining the unique flavors of Italian Marsala wine with the white meat of the chicken breast. The dish has been sweetened to...
This chicken is a variant on the popular Japanese snack yakitori. It makes the juiciest chicken I've ever tasted. If you are using bamboo skewers, soak...
This is a fast version of lasagna. Super easy to make, great for kids and great for those who want to control portions or need to take meals on the go....
These biscuits can be described as 'uzo uzwa ienergy' which is 'You will feel the energy' in a South African language. These biscuits can be eaten after...
Beware! This slow cooker recipe is spicy, but is an excellent shredded beef for tacos, sandwiches, or enchiladas! You can even try it on crusty rolls with...
"Ants on a tree" is one of most well known Sichuan dishes. It is a combination of ground pork and mung bean vermicelli. In addition to that, we use Sichuan...
Awesome breakfast pudding. Started with my great grandmother, my mother, then me. Our kids love it! You may add banana slices and mint leaves for touch,...
These Mexican-inspired, Southwestern burritos make eating a filling and flavorful breakfast easy! Loaded with veggies and satisfying ingredients, these...
The nutty smell of the sesame oil permeates the kitchen as these burgers are frying. While not authentically Asian, the taste distinctly hints at the flavors...
While there is a nice dose of red curry powder in the braise, it's certainly not the dominant flavor. For something that might seem exotic and boldly-spiced,...
This is our family's take on a dish my husband saw on TV (I believe the original used pancetta and some hard-to-find ingredients). It's super tasty and...
Kids love this, and we always get rave reviews and requests for the recipe. You can add additional vegetables as desired (broccoli, snow peas, etc.), though...
Purple yams bring brilliant color to these sweet and chewy coconut mochi cakes. For an extra flourish, you can top them with diced fresh mango. Candied...
Growing up at the very tip of Texas, this beef and chicken fajita, bean, cheese, guacamole, and sour cream recipe has always been an all-in-one hit at...
One of the gourmet food trucks in my area started serving deep fried avocado tacos and I decided to serve this at home. Everyone cleans the plate with...
This traditional Chinese cake is so moist and indulgent. You can substitute adzuki beans with mung beans, lotus seeds, chestnuts, mixed nuts, dried fruits,...
Spaghetti all'amatriciana is a true Italian classic. The traditional recipe calls for guanciale, a sort of bacon that comes from the fat around the pig's...
This is a sweet, nutty, and spicy kimchi udon stir-fry your whole family will love - and it takes mere minutes to make from start to finish! Top with cooked...
Butter tarts are a British staple. These English ones have been in my family long enough that we don't know the origin. They're fantastic with a sweet,...
A great dish when you're craving sushi, but don't have time for rolling! Veggie measurements are general guidelines - add as much or as little as you'd...
In Germany, the filling for this classic cake (called Käsesahnetorte) is make with quark but quark is not easy to find in the US and quite pricey. I use...
I love making lamb meatballs; the combination of mint and lamb make for a very exciting flavor profile. These meatballs are combined with a hearty prepared...
Vegetables and spices are rolled up in chicken breasts and air fried for a quick and easy dinner perfect for a busy weeknight. Just over 10 minutes in...
This is a dish that I love to make. It is a simple Hunan-style chicken that you will love. If you like a lot of heat, you want to add to the anise pepper....
Fry the meatballs in oil and butter--they're great just like that. Or if you are going to add them to a pot of sauce, leave them slightly undercooked so...
This is a delicious quesadilla recipe using ingredients like low-fat sour cream, refried black beans, and whole-wheat tortillas. It's so easy to put together...
I got a recipe off here for chicken lasagna rollups, and after making it a couple times I thought it would be a lot better Mexican-style! It is AMAZING!...